"Scale Your Coaching Biz Challenge" (FREE TO JOIN)
Dates: Monday August xx  - Friday August @ 9am PST / 12noon EST / 5pm BST  

 Attention: Are you a Business Coach ready to stop selling your time for money and ready to scale your business?

"Give Us Just 90 Minutes A Day…

Over The Next 5 Days, And We’ll Show You How To Quickly

Launch your Group Coaching Program

and finally fire all your 1-on-1 clients...

Even if you have no idea where to start, no framework, and NO CONTENT of your own!

Challenge Starts In:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Plus...a FREE BONUS of 100+ leads just for joining us on this challenge


This Challenge is For Serious Business Coaches Ready To Scale to 6 figures and beyond!!  

 If you say “yes” to any of the below, then YES, this FREE 5-Day Challenge is 100% for you. 

  • You're sick and tired of your clients controlling your diary  and want to take back control of your time.
  • You have not developed a clear coaching methodology  that clearly differentiate you from your competition make you the obvious choice.
  • You have just one or two clients, representing 90% of your income. If one cancels, you're family doesn't eat.
  • ​You Don't have a clearly defined & compelling offer, that focus on the needs of your target audience. 
Register Today for This Free Challenge 
…and we’ll show you, step-by-step how to build a highly successful Business Coaching Practice, by switching from One-to-One coaching to a One-to-Many model.
PLUS a FREE Bonus Day after the challenge with a TON of amazing guest speakers!!! (You don't want to miss this...)

Business Coaches :  "Are you sick and tired of the everyday grind and uncertainty of One to One coaching ?

Just give me 90 minutes per day for 5 days and Discover How to Scale Your Coaching Business, Reach More Clients, and Make a Lasting Difference in the Lives You Touch"

Even if you have no idea where to start, no framework, and NO CONTENt of your own!

Challenge Starts In:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


This Challenge is For Serious Business Coaches Ready To Scale to 6 figures and beyond!!  

 If you say “yes” to any of the below, then, this FREE 5-Day Challenge is 100% for you. 

  • Multiply Your Income: Say goodbye to the limitations of one-on-one coaching. Discover how to scale your coaching business and build a six-figure income. 
  • Expand Your Reach: Connect with a broader audience, locally and globally, without geographical limitations. 
  • You have just one or two clients, representing 90% of your income. If one cancels, you're family doesn't eat.
  • ​Powerful Framework: Gain access to a proven coaching framework and strategies to confidently lead one-to-many sessions. 
Register Today for This Free Challenge 
…and we’ll show you, step-by-step how to build a highly successful Business Coaching Practice, by switching from One-to-One coaching to a One-to-Many model.

"Scale Your Coaching Biz Challenge" 
will show you... 

How To Package Your Superpowers And Deliver it To the masses...

…Without Spending Months Designing Your Content And Training Material And Start To Generate a Steady recurring revenue Stream Within weeks!

Here’s What You’ll Learn Each Day Of The

5-Day 'Scale Your Coaching Biz Challenge'    


Take Back Control of Your Time...         Here is the hard truth 

You look at your calendar, the weight of your schedule presses down like a soggy British summer. One client after another, back-to-back, day in, day out. It is effective, but is it sustainable? The answer is NO!!

You’ll walk away from today having learned...
  • Why coaching 1-2-1 is not the path to true freedom,  and why you need to transition to a one-to-many model.  
  • ​The power of scaling up:  It is not just about multiplying your income; it’s about amplifying your impact and leaving a lasting legacy. 
  • ​My story; How I lost my $380k one-to one coaching business overnight. Poof!! everything. 

DAY 1 - Additional ideas

Bulletproof your income

SubHeadline HERE
Relying heavily on one or two clients for the majority of your revenue can indeed pose significant dangers for a business coach, as it can have a substantial negative impact on your income.
You’ll walk away from today having learned...
  • Why coaching 1-2-1 will make you financially vulnerable, and how to remove this risk forever by diversifying your client base.  
  • How to scale your business and revenue,  whilst at the same time not having to sell your time for money.  
  • ​How to build in continuity like the pros do,  and have a stable recurring income that doesn't require you to hunter gather constantly by going to a thousand networking meetings.


Identifying Your Unique Strengths... Unleash Your Superpower

Embracing your superpower not only propels your business growth but also ensures a fulfilling and sustainable coaching journey, where you can make a lasting impact and truly change lives.
You’ll walk away from today having learned...
  • How to Maximize Your Impact: Knowing your superpower allows you to focus on your strengths, delivering unparalleled value to your clients and creating profound transformations.
  • How to Differentiate Yourself: Stand out in a crowded market by leveraging your unique abilities, attracting your ideal clients who resonate with your distinctive approach.
  • How to Drive Sustainable Growth: Build a scalable and sustainable coaching practice by honing in on what you do best, ensuring long-term success and client satisfaction


How to Align your Superpower with your ideal clients... 

The power in this alignment lies in its ability to amplify your impact, streamline your marketing efforts, and foster loyal, long-term relationships. By doing so, you not only enhance your clients' success but also drive sustainable growth. 

You’ll walk away from today having learned...
  • Enhanced Client Success: By aligning your strengths with your clients' needs, you deliver tailored solutions that drive impactful and transformative results.
  • Efficient Marketing and Outreach: Focused messaging that speaks directly to your ideal audience simplifies your marketing efforts, making them more effective and cost-efficient.  
  • Stronger Client Relationships: A deep alignment fosters trust and loyalty, leading to long-term client relationships 


The 3 vehicles of Impact... The power of "Value First"  

How to turn ice cold traffic into paying coaching clients in as little as 5 days.  On day 4, we'll help you understand the power of The 3 Vehicles to build a one to many Coaching business.  

You’ll walk away from today having learned...
  • How to build your Value Ladder. Your value ladder is the roadmap to your High Value program.   
  • How the 3 Vehicles provides massive value in advance. Why a one to many coaching strategy creates more value and is substantially more profitable and easier to delivery than one-to one coaching.
  • How to build your offer Stack: and how to make your offer a no brainer that people can not say no to.  


3...2...1...GO! - The Power of a "One to Many" Coaching Biz 

On day five, you're going to have everything you need to implement and launch your one to many business coaching model.   You've taken all the notes....It's time to take ACTION now! 

You’ll walk away from today having learned...

  • How to Build you Value ladder: It is vital to know where you are now and where you want to be and how you are going to get there 
  • ​The Compelling offer Framework: and the importance of having you offer ready before you even start.
  • ​How to under promise and overdeliver:  to ensures your clients will always come back for more. 
  • ​The journey from one-to-one to one-to-many is not just about scaling your business; it’s about amplifying your impact and leaving a lasting legacy.

    What do people say??

    Brenda Broster

    We thoroughly endorse Anton's expertise as an inspirational coach. he has the ability to explain complex processes in an informative and easily understandable way. His open approach to interaction with participants is refreshing. Not only does he explain what to do, but also the 'how'. We would encourage anybody looking for clarity and a sense of direction to work with him.

    Shari McGuire

    Anton is an amazing business coach, His exceptional ability to listen, be patient, and provide meaningful advice has helped countless people create long-term success. What makes Anton stand out from the rest of the business coaches is that he truly cares about the wellbeing of his clients - He's more than just a great coach - he's a mentor and friend to all who get the chance to work with him, 

    Michael La Manna

    Why I promote and recommend Anton – First, I have over 30 years of business experience from Owner to small and large corporations Second, Anton has taken my experience and his coaching expertise into moulding me into the next Generation coach- I am super blessed to have Anton guide, teach and coach me to be better my craft everyday. 

    Tiffany Zehara

      I was frustrated and overwhelmed with my business. Anton truly understood. 
    Throughout our time working together, my confidence has grown exponentially! He provided the concrete steps I needed to take each day. 
    He pointed out what I may not be seeing  and ways of pivoting to bring about results.
    I am truly grateful for his continued advocacy, belief, and support of me on this journey!    

    Debbie Smith

     "The five-day challenge from Anton was insightful and energising, the virtual event was exhilarating, and the weekly mastermind calls are incredibly inventive." 
    When taken as a whole, these components are essential to taking your coaching business to the next level. Important for anyone who is committed to  attaining significant accomplishment."

    Steve Sizemore

    "Finding Anton’s secret sauce at his live event was like discovering a new dimension. 

    The challenge clarifies your vision, the virtual live event tests your limits, and the weekly mastermind calls provide the strategy to soar. 

    This isn’t just growth; it’s a launchpad for your coaching empire. 

    Joe Minior

    Prior to participating in Anton's  Challenge,' my company approach was restricted. His three-day live event completely changed the way I work, and the mastermind sessions offer priceless insights that are comparable to getting guidance from legendary figures in the field. This is more than just training; it's a once-in-a-lifetime chance for any business coach looking to grow considerably.

    John Gentle

      "I attended Anton's training hoping to add a little oomph to my coaching business but walked out ready to conquer the world—one business owner at a time! 
    What an eye opener this  was!
    His strategies for scaling from one-to-one to one-to-many are not just insightful; they're revolutionary. Miss this, and you're missing out on your potential!"    

    Carlyle Cain

    Anton's guidance over the past few months has been incredibly helpful. He advised me on how to develop my marketing message and the reactions I get whenever I use it are exactly what we are all after. He understands the important things that we need to work on, and in the right order, to build a successful coaching business. I give him my highest recommendation as a mentor to other coaches and as someone that everyone likes and respects.

    Daymond John

    You know him. You love him. They call him “The People’s Shark” for a reason.

    In a very exclusive and rare opportunity, Daymond will go LIVE and share his own story on how he “bootstrapped” his way to success!

    Kristine Mirelle

    Kristine (aka, the “music hustler”) is a professional musician, 2-Comma Club Winner, and founder of Laugh My Ads Off— where she teaches all types of businesses on how to create hilarious ads that don’t suck!

    She’ll show you the simple way she makes knee-slapping, eye-popping, and insanely engaging ads that you can model for your own business and boost sales like crazy!

    Eileen Wilder

    Just two years ago, Eileen had no idea what a funnel was... and now she’s a multiple 2-Comma Club Winner!

    On day five, she’ll unveil how ANYONE can add a virtual high ticket offer to their funnel for a MASSIVE boost in sales!

    DAY 2

    Your First Funnel...

    We’re not wasting any time! We kick off the 'Your First Funnel' Challenge by unveiling the different funnels working RIGHT NOW and helping you see which funnel is right for your unique offer!

    You’ll walk away from today having learned...
    • Funnel Hacking 101! How to “ethically steal” from what’s working RIGHT NOW and how to use it for your own funnel
    • ​What funnel is right for your offer (and why it might not be what you’re thinking...)
    • ​Plus TONS of funnel examples! Including what’s working right now for finance, ecomm, coaching, info products, biz opp, and more!

    What Are You Waiting For?!

    This Is Literally The BEST Time To Launch Your Very own Group Coaching Program Into The World... And Generate a Steady recurring revenue Stream Within weeks! 
    Ready To launch your Group coaching Program In Just 5 Days?

    What To Expect From 'Scale Your Coaching Biz Challenge'!

    Before The Challenge

    • You can not scale your coaching business with a 1-2-1 business Framework. 
    • A 1-2-1 coaching framework will leave you financially vulnerable. 
    • ​A 1-2-1 coaching framework creates confusion and frustration. 
    • ​The lack of technology, content and tools are holding you back. 

    After The Challenge

    • Learn a framework that is scalable to multiple streams of income.  
    • ​Learn how to use the 3 vehicles for maximum impact & reach 
    • ​Walk away with step by step framework, to launch your first coaching group. 
    • ​Establish your self as the Authority as a business coach 

    But That’s Not All!

    The Same Reason We Stay After The Credits In A Star Wars Film, Waiting for the best bits of what can be, We Stick Around After The Challenge Because...

    FREE Bonuses!

    That’s right... we are all about OVER-DELIVERING as much value as possible so you not only get your funnel up and live... but also begin to generate leads that turn into sales, which means more green in your bank account!

    Worried That You Don’t Have A Product To Sell Yet?

    Don’t panic... We’ve also invited two of our top ClickFunnels affiliates who will let you peek over their shoulders and see how they are able to make giant empires by selling other people’s products!

    BONUS #2

    Make Sales EVEN IF You Don’t Have A Product!

    We’re going to do a special 1-day event where you get to learn from...

    Anthony Morrison & Keala Kanae

    Anthony Morrison and Keala Kanae are two of our top ClickFunnels super affiliates who have won multiple 2-Comma Club Awards and continue to generate thousands of ClickFunnels trials per day.

    They’ll show you how they use funnels to promote other people’s products for big, fat commissions, and how you can ethically steal their secrets for your own funnel and start producing sales practically overnight!

    Here’s Everything You Get When You Sign Up For The...

    "Scale Your Coaching Biz Challenge"

    • FREE! FIVE jam-packed days of discovery. How To Launch and build a "One to Many" coaching business with maximum impact and multiple income streams.  
    • ​FREE! Access to our private  "SYCB Challenge Facebook group". where you can share wins, ask questions, collect more insight and receive some free coaching.  


    • BONUS! "SYCB Mastermind Weekly call" Free 30 day trial... Get personalized guidance and coaching from Anton Oliver.  

    Normally: $1997.00 Value

    Today: 100% FREE!


    5-Day "Scale Your Coaching Biz Challenge Virtual Event" 


    Monday August xx  - Friday August @ 5 pm BST/12 pm EST/ 9 am PST


    Time to Launch Your Very own Idea Into The World to Serve your clients.

    Now’s The Time To Act!

    Ready to step into the future of Business coaching coaching? Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to reshape your coaching business and maximize your income potential.

    Learn From Anton Oliver, & other special guests on How To Launch Your Very own Group Coaching Program into the world... and generate a steady recurring revenue stream Within weeks! 
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